Festival Program

Information correct at time of publication. Changes may occur.


Located on the corner of Lonsdale Street and Russell Street

Saturday 23 February

12:30pm Welcome to the Lonsdale Street Festival followed by ZORBA ‘ TIL YOU DROP COMPETITION
2:15pm A Musical Odyssey – presenting a mix of opera and well know Greek music
3:05pm Alphington School Band
4:00pm O Periklis Dance Group – Intermediates
4:30pm Pan Macedonian Dance Group
5:00pm Panagia Soumela Pontian Association of Whittlesea Dance Group
5:30pm Cretan Brotherhood Dance Group – Seniors
6:00pm Manasis School of Dance Modern Bracket
6:30pm O Periklis – Dance Group – Seniors
6:50pm Alphington School Choir
7:00pm Official Opening followed by Akrites Tou Pontou presenting Eastern Anatolian Dream, commemorating the experiences of the Assyrian, Armenian and Pontic Greek people.

Feature Act: Eleonora Zouganeli 


Located on the corner of Lonsdale Street and Russell Street

Sunday 24 February



Welcome to the Lonsdale St Greek Festival

Santa Taranta

11:45am Cretan Brotherhood Pre Senior Dance Group
12:15pm Kalymnian Dance Group – presenting the “Mihaniko” sponge diver’s dance
12:45pm The Cyprus Folk Dance Group – Seniors
1:15pm Lexi School of Modern Greek Dance
1:45pm Cretan Brotherhood Dance Group Theatrical Performance
2:15pm Kaliroy and her band
3:05pm Manasis School of Dance – Evolution Bracket
3:35pm Cyprus Community of Melbourne and Victoria Dance Group
4:05pm Pegasus Dance Academy Seniors
4:35pm Greek Community of Melb & Greeks Orthodox Community of SA Dance Groups presenting Karagounika Dances of Thessaly
5:00pm Lonsdale St Sing-A-Long: get ready to raise your voice and sing along to a Greek classic
5:25pm Totally Kicking Brass – an exciting Greek brass-band fusion, popular in the Balkans, known as “Halkina”.
6:25pm Greek Community of Melb & Greeks Orthodox Community of SA Dance Groups presenting Thracian Dances
6:55pm Pontiaki Estia Dance Group – Seniors
7:25pm Pancretan Association Dance Group – Seniors
7:55pm Cretan Glendi with Ilias Horeftakis accompanied by Stelios Ilikakis and Adamantios Kosidekakis
9:05pm Anagennisi Band

AA Holding Stage

Located on Lonsdale Street, toward the corner of Swanston Street

Saturday 23 February

12:30pm Welcome to the Lonsdale St Greek Festival
1:15pm Zilhouette Belly Dance
1:55pm K Studio Singing School presenting emerging singing talent
2:45pm Santa Taranta
3:45pm Cretan Brotherhood Dance Group Juniors
4:15pm Manasis School of Dance:

Oakleigh Senior (B) Class

Preston Senior Class

Doncaster Senior Class

6:10pm Pan Macedonian Dance Group Juniors
6:35pm Maria Diakonidis performing songs from her new EP plus covers
7:35pm Gales Edge – Greek Rock Band
8:25pm Rythmos DJ Set


AA Holding Stage

Located on Lonsdale Street, toward the corner of Swanston Street

Sunday 24 February

11:45am Welcome to the Lonsdale St Greek Festival
12:35pm Family Drama
1:30pm Greek Community of Melbourne Greek School Dance Groups
2:10pm MAGIC MIC Competition
3:00pm O Periklis Dance Group Juniors
3:30pm Cretan Brotherhood Dance Group Intermediates
4:00pm Stavros & Despina
5:00pm Lonsdale St Sing-A-Long: get ready to raise your voice and sing along to a Greek classic
5:30pm Anthea and the Rubies – Nostalgia
6:40pm Cats and the Canary
7:50pm Agapi & Friends
9:00pm The haBBiBis


#lovelonsdale Stage

Located on Lonsdale Street, toward the corner of Exhibition Street

Saturday 23 February

12:30pm Welcome to the Lonsdale St Greek Festival
12:35pm Musique d’Or
1:15pm Harmony band
2:15pm Manasis School of Dance

Doncaster & Preston Beginner Classes

Doncaster & Preston Junior Classes

Doncaster & Preston Intermediate Classes

2:55pm Vaios Malliaras Tribute Performance
3:45pm The Silk Roads Collective
4:35pm The Paschalia Latra Ensemble
5:35pm LEFKADA
6:25pm The Philhellenes
7:25pm Cats and the Canary
8:25pm Agapi & Friend
9:35pm Beautiful People DJ Dimitris Zarogiannis & DJ Panos Pantotis


#lovelonsdale Stage

Located on Lonsdale Street, toward the corner of Exhibition Street

Sunday 24 February

12:00pm Welcome to the Lonsdale
12:10pm K Studio Singing School presenting emerging singing talent
1:05pm Manasis School of Dance

Oakleigh Beginner (B) Class

Oakleigh Beginner (A) Class

Oakleigh Junior (B) & (A) Classes

Oakleigh Intermediate Class

2:00pm The Pontian Community of Melbourne and Victoria Dance Group – Juniors & Teens
2:30pm Pegasus Dance Group – Juniors
3:00pm The Hellenic Community of Geelong Dance Group
3:30pm Pan Cretan Dance – Group Juniors & Inters
3:55pm Next Gen Greek Voices
5:00pm Lonsdale St Sing-A-Long: get ready to raise your voice and sing along to a Greek classic
5:25pm Manasis School of Dance

Oakleigh Senior (C) Class

Oakleigh Senior (A) Class

6pm Manasis School of Dance – Traditional Bracket
6:25pm The Philhellenes
7:35pm Melbourne Epirotic Ensemble
8:45pm Club Sigma