The Green Project (GP) is a not for profit NGO inspired by UNESCO’S World Solar Programme.   The project aims to raise social awareness through environmental photography. Specifically, GP’s main tasks are: (i) to photo & video record sites of “greenpoints of interest” in relation to best practices on the use of Renewable Energy Sources and the utilisation of traditional indigenous knowledge (UNESCO World Heritage List), (ii) to promote the rational use of energy via “energy tourism”, (iii) to provide energy education and (iv) to become a civil society tool of intercultural communication highlighting the strong energy ties and common environmental concerns among the peoples visited.

The project has already successfully run in South America, Africa, Europe and through to China.

Led by Dr Yiannis Tzortzis, a delegation of Greek experts is going to fly from Athens to Melbourne and then, using motor homes with solar panels, will travel along the east to west “Platypus trail” and fly back to Greece from Perth. The whole journey is expected to last approximately 29 days and cover 11.210 kms

The project is supported by the Hellenic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Australian Embassy in Greece, the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO, the General Secretariat for Greeks, the Goulandris Natural History Museum, Athens, the Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, Athens, the Centre of Renewable Energy Sources, Athens, the Hellenic Wind Energy Association, the Hellenic Centre of Photography, Athens and the Greek Community of Melbourne via the Greek Centre for Contemporary Culture.

When: Sunday 5 August at 6.00pm
Where: Greek Centre for Contemporary Culture (Delphi Bank Mez, 168 Lonsdale St, Melbourne)
Tickets: Free Entry
To Book: Reserve your seat at TRYBOOKING or call 9662 2722 (Mon – Fri 9am to 5pm)